I established my practice in 2012. I have three beautiful children. They keep me busy as they are growing up all too quickly. I feel honored to serve the community and the surrounding area that was so influential and supportive of me growing up. I enjoy spending time getting to know each of my patients and work hard to do my very best to serve them the best way I know how with chiropractic care. I have always enjoyed chiropractic care and continue to be amazed each year with the amazing things it can do. I thoroughly enjoy working with pediatrics and kids as it seems so essential to have a solid foundation for our kids to thrive and grow. I have wonderful help at the office, Linda Schrader has been a huge asset to the business and always has a friendly smile. Lily is our after school help, and is as smart as they come. They help complete this great little practice I have and help me in serving those in this wonderful community. We look forward to helping you with your chiropractic needs.